Landowner Relations
At NuStar Energy, L.P., we value the relationships we have with our landowners and strive to maintain those relationships. In the event a real estate-related question arises, please feel free to reach out to our regional representatives for assistance.
West Coast, Gulf Coast, and Central East Regions
(CA, OR, WA, ND, SD, MN, NE, IA, IL, IN, KS, MO, AR, LA)
Matt McGee, Supervisor Real Estate
(210) 918-2245
Central West South Region
(South TX)
(South TX)
K.C. Purgason, Director Real Estate & ROW
(210) 918-2073
Central West North Region
(North TX, OK, NM, CO)
(North TX, OK, NM, CO)
Arnold Kimball, Supervisor Real Estate
(210) 918-2438